Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The original exposure....

A classic Prabhupada analogy: You take camera, and you take a photo of something. But you forget to advance the film. You repeatedly take photos and you keep forgetting to advance the film. Gradually the photographic film becomes black and you have multiple exposures.

Similarly, we have been in this material world for such a long time, having taken so many births, that we have forgotten what is the original exposure.

We recall how Lord Caitanya told Sanatana, that the original exposure is jivera swarupa hoy nitya krsna dasa, or that the living entities are Krsna's eternal servants. But, we have all forgotten about that. We therefore we think we are something material - we think we are gujaratis, we think we are punjabis, we think we are men, we think that we are women. We think so many different things, but we forget that the original exposure is that we are Krsna's servants and residents of the spiritual world.

But if we continue chanting Hare Krsna everyday, trying to chant as much as we can, and trying to chant as nicely as we can. Nicely has to be there also, becasue there is a science to chanting. The acaryas explain how there are ten mistakes that we should avoid when chanting. Then one day when our chanting becomes very pure, we will become irrestibly attracted to join Krsna.

(Source: H.H. Bhakti Brngha Govinda Swami, IPS Retreat
Stockholm, Sweden - July 2002)