Spiritual cultivation is the main object of life. Do everything that helps it and abstain from doing anything which thwarts the cultivation of the spirit. Have a strong faith that Krishna alone protects you and none else. Admit him as your only guardian. Do everything which you know Krishna wishes you to do and never think that you do a thing independent of the holy wish of Krishna. Do all that you do with humility.
Always remember that you are a sojourner in this world and you must be prepared for your own home. Do your duties and cultivate bhakti as a means to obtain the great end of life, krishna-priti. Employ your body, mind and spirit in the service of the deity. In all your actions, worship the great lord. Do these with your heart, mind and strength in the company of spiritual people alone, and you will see Krishna in no time."
(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, 1896)