Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Dealing with Boredom in Study/Work

In performing our duties (studies/work) we are often feel bored, this is because:

a) we are seeing the material world for what it is i.e. it is just boring, once we see around the hype.

b) it is the nature of performing activities in the the mode of goodness i.e. bitter at first, sweet later.

In addition, we should also consider that:

1) if we enjoy things without Krsna now, then know that we will be equally miserable tomorrow.

2) only when we do things in regulated fashion can we see things as they are i.e. reality check, else we continue to buy into the illusion and it seems very exciting.

(H.H. Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami - PS Retreat to Sweden - Summer 2002)