Friday, November 18, 2005

Lessons from Bharata (Lord Rama's brother)

Whilst Lord Rama was in exile, Bharata faithfully overlooked the kingdom of Ayodhya. He ensured that this service was done properly and so by Rama's mercy, Ayodhya flourished. He always kept Lord Rama's wooden shoes on the throne to remind him of his service.

As soon as Rama returned, Bharata offering Lord Rama His wooden shoes, stood before Rama with folded hands. Rama immediately embraced Bharata with both arms, bathing Him with the tears in eyes, for a long time.

Lesson: we should perform our service with this mood of pleasing the Lord and when the Lord, by His own sweet will, so desires to reveal Himself, our mood should be that of humility and gratitude. Srila Prabhupada said "act in such a way that God wants to see you."

Afterwards Rama sat at the feet of His spiritual master, Vasistha, when Bharata came before Him and requested "My dear elder brother, please immeditely install Youself upon the royal throne without further delay."

Lesson: under the guidance of a spiritual master, we should immediately install Lord Rama on a jeweled throne in our heart.

(excerpts and inspiration from "Ramayana - The story of Lord Rama" by His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Swami)