Friday, November 18, 2005

Homosexuality & KC

Srila Bhakti Tirtha Swami writes about this at some length in his "Spiritual Warrior II - Transforming Lust into Love" book. Refer to Chapter 1, entitled "Sex and the Leadership Crisis" for more details. Below are some essential quotes which really helped me understand the subject:
  • "Another manifestation of misdirected sexuality in modern society is the growing number of homosexual and bisexual people all over the world. We might wonder why this occuring. Of course, we should not be homophobic, nor should we condemn anyone. Everyone is looking for love."
  • "From a spiritual perspective, another explanation for homosexuality or bisexuality lies in reincarnation. Those who are not properly integrated in one life can find themselves in the next life with a male consciousness in a female body, or vice versa."
  • "In many cases, if a person has demonstrated excessive masculine or feminine energy in one life, or strong hatred for one sex or ther other, these patterns will persist in the next life - even in a body of the opposite gender. This can encourage a homosexual lifestyle."
  • "There is nothing wrong with having affection for someone of the same gender. However, the difficulties arise when this affection seeks sexual expression. Sex means that the partners are ready to care for what is produced from their union. What naturally results from a sexual relationship is the birth of a child. Any other use of sexuality is unnatural and entails negative consequences."