Monday, October 31, 2005

What we are all really hungry for

The whole material world is full of hungry living beings. The hunger is not for good food, shelter or sense gratification. The hunger is for the spiritual atmosphere. Due to ignorance only they think that the world is dissatisfied because there is not sufficient food, shelter, defense and objects of sense gratification. This is called illusion.

But the foolish leaders cannot see that even the people who are most sumptuously materially satisfied are still hungry. And what is their hunger and poverty? This hunger is actually for spiritual food, spiritual shelter, spiritual defense and spiritual sense gratification.

(SB 1.12.6 - Purport)

We are always a servant

Being illusioned by the conditions of the external energy, one falsely thinks himself to be the served, but actually he is not served; he is servant of the senses like lust, desire, anger, avarice, pride, madness and intolerance.
(SB 1.12.6 - Purport)

Education is useless without Krsna

By knowing the science of Krsna, one can become the most perfect man in the world, and unless one has knowledge in this science, all qualifications and doctorate diplomas acquired by academic education are spoiled and useless.

(SB 1.12.4 - Purport)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Creative arts to attract common men

Expert players in drama, dancers, singers, speakers, etc., are required for the spiritual enlightenment of the common man.

(SB 1.11.20 - Purport)

Prasad makes a successful function

Without distribution of food, no function is complete, and that is the way of Vedic culture.

(SB 1.11.15 - Purport)

Human life meant for developing the finer senses

Perfection of human civilization is made possible by utilizing the gifts of nature in their own way.

The propensity to utilize nature's own gifts is still there, even in the heart of modern civilized man.

Human energy should be properly utilized in developing the finer senses for spiritual understanding, in which lies the solution of life. Fruits, flowers, beautiful gardens, parks and reservoirs of water with ducks and swans playing in the midst of lotus flowers, and cows giving sufficient milk and butter are essential for developing the finer tissues of the human body.

(SB 1.11.12 - Purport)

Reviving our Eternal Relationship

The human form is a chance for all to understand our eternal relation with God. Our relation with Him is eternal; it can neither be broken nor vanquished. It may be forgotten for the time being, but it can be revived also by the grace of the Lord, if we follow His injunctions, which are revealed in the scriptures.

(SB 1.11.7 - Purport)

Free from the Fear of the Unknown

We are always fearful due to our ignorance of the next problem. The whole material existence is full of problems, and thus the fear problem is always prominent. Yet all fear is vanished as soon as there is the sound of the Lord, represented by His holy name:

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

We can take advantage of these sounds and be free from all threatening problems of material existence.

(SB 1.11.3 - Purport)

Why go on pilgrimage?

Three places, namely Vrndavana, Mathura and Dvaraka, are more important than the famous planets within the universe. These places are perpetually sanctified because whenever the Lord descends on earth He displays His transcendental activities particularly in these three places. They are perpetually the holy lands of the Lord, and the inhabitants still take advantage of the holy places, even though the Lord is now out of their sight. Because devotional service in these three places is magnified, those who go there to follow the principles in terms of instructions imparted in the revealed scriptures surely achieve the same result as obtained during the presence of Lord Sri Krsna. His abode and He Himself are identical, and a pure devotee under the guidance of another experienced devotee can obtain all the results, even at present.

(SB 1.10.27)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Happiness is based on perception not circumstance

Happiness is NOT based on our circumstances, but rather by how we respond to our circumstances. It is a matter of consciousness.

(H.G. Urmila Mataji)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Stats from Mahabharata War

"A solid phalanx of 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 109,650 infantry and 65,600 cavalry is called an akshauhini."

(SB 1.8.48 - Purport)
  • There were 18 such akshauhinis that fought in the Mahabharata War.
  • The Kauravas had 11 such akshauhinis and the Pandavas had 7 - but the Pandavas still emerged victorious even though the odds were set against them, because they had Krishna on their side.
  • Each akshauhini is made up 218,990 soldiers, which means that during the course of the 18-day war, a total of 3,941,820 soldiers fought, and if we were to take an average, some 218,990 soldiers were killed each day.
  • WW1 & WW2 death tolls are 15,000,000 and 55,000,000 - astronomical in relation to the above, but much of these are civilian deaths, whereas absolutely no civilians were killed during the Mahabharata war - they fought with honour.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Welcome to my Realisations

Hare Krishna!

Welcome to my Weblog ("blog"), which I will use to relay some of the things that are both important and relevant in my life. These will feature things from what I have read, heard, discussed or even seen as part of the practice of Krishna Consciousness.

My hope in sharing these is to primarily provide a medium for me to express myself (for therapeutic effect).

Let the blogs begin....

Hari Hari.
